Thursday, August 20, 2009

Plundered poetry

I took this photo in Orvieto, Italy.

I've been reading Sarama and Her Children: The Dog in Indian Myth by Bibek Debroy and came upon the full version of Old Mother Hubbard which I had forgotten had more than one verse. I have unashamedly plundered this rhyme and turned it into one about a cow.

Old Mother Azure

Old Mother Azure
went to the pasture
to get her poor cow some straw
but when she got there
the ground was bare
and the poor cow wanted more

she went to the granary
to buy her some chaff
but when she came back
she was dealing with staff

she went to the farmer
to buy her some silage
but when she came back
she was flying on mileage

she went to the seamstress
to buy her a cloak
but when she came back
she was sniffing coke

she went to the milliners
to buy her a hat
but when she came back
she was chasing a gnat

she went to the snippers
to get her some colour
but when she came back
she was learning to holler

she went to the shoemaker
to buy her some crocs
but when she came back
she was wearing white socks

she went to the moon
to buy her some cheese
but when she came back
she was dancing with bees

she went to the sun
to buy her the world
but when she came back
it had all unfurled

Old Mother Azure
is now in the sky
while the cow jumped the moon
I don’t know why


  1. Plunder away - if this is what you can do with it - I absolutely LOVE IT... Will have to print Old Mother Azure with your permission and put on my notice board! Thanks Sue

  2. Sure - go for it. Having fun here. Just wish I could speak the lingo.
